THE ONE AND ONLY...Kammie Maschue

Monday, October 31, 2011

I AM...

kamille Louise Maschue
June 21st 1991
Thatcher Arizona
Kristen Mouritsen and Jim Maschue

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

7 keys to being HAPPY...

  1. Know that Jesus Christ has already felt that pain...and that you dont have to bare it because he already has.
  2. Realize that it only a short time and that things will get better.
  3. Make righteous choices.
  4. Believe in your abilities.
  5. develop positive habits.
  6. Serve someone in need
  7. Smile even when you dont feel like it.
I know that if try to be better at this list of things, you will be happier. Yesterday i was having a pretty hard day and i was feeling a little down, so i decided i was going to do an act of service for someone else. Not only did it make her day, but my day got better as well. It feels so good to help someone else! Just when you think your life is hard and you cant take it see someone else who is having an even harder time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Teething days... Aren't over!!

This was me last week! 

Just when you think all your teeth have grow in....Your wisdom teeth show up!!!! I feel like a teething Child! time for the dentist! Now everytime i remember my little siblings crying due to teething..i understand why! I didnt have to yell at the poor kids! Man it sucks growing up!  

Sunday, October 23, 2011


SO i know this girl named Katie Maschue! You could say that we are she's my twin! Today she gave a talk in church about the power of the atonement. I don't think there was one person in that congregation who wasn't feeling the spirit! It was amazing! She talked about an experience she had with my little sister Alex. Alex was having a hard time and felt as though she had no friends. When she got into high school Katie and Alex became the best of friends. When Katie graduated they were both so sad. Once we started college we would call Alex every once in a while and she would tell us she was doing good and would leave it at that. When we went home for Christmas we would go hang out with our friends that we went to high school with. One night Katie got a call from my mom. She was asked to come home because Alex was crying and she needed someone to comfort her. Katie began to talk to her and asked Alex what was the matter. Alex started balling and replied " I feel like i have no one...i have no friends" Katie went on and told her that she is not alone, and that she has a loving heavenly father who knows what she is going threw and knows how she can get threw it. Alex has been doing better! It was a testimony to me :) To see how heavenly father works. I know that he knows what we are going threw and that he has the power to heal our broken hearts. As alone as we may feel at times, we have to remember that Christ is really there, and that he is carrying us threw our lives. I love the atonement and the blessings and comfort it brings to my life. I'm so glad i was able to go listen to her talk. Love you Kate!



Monday, October 10, 2011

~Christ Can Heal Emotional Sadness~

So i have a cool story to share. Lately I have been going threw a pretty hard time and i have been putting my self down and finding all of the thing i wish i could change about myself. My grandma is really sick and probably wont be alive much longer. She is someone that is very dear to me. Last week i called her and we had our goodbyes. She told me how great of a girl and granddaughter i have been, not even knowing my situation. It was an answer to my prayers! I NEEDED to hear that from her.
Two weeks ago i was really down...I don't even remember why. I have this friend named Kari Christensen and i was messaging her on facebook. She started saying all of these nice things...things i have been needing to hear. I just started to cry because i know it was inspired of god even if she didn't know it. 
Last conference Elder Scott gave a talk on the Book Of Mormon. He mentioned that the scriptures can heal emotional sadness. I otomatically reflected back on the worst times of my life. I could remember ONE thing that helped me get threw it all. Threw the scriptures i was comforted. 
Heavenly father can heal all emotional sadness...whether its threw the scriptures, prayer, or random people. It was just such a testimony to me; to be able to turn to a random page in the Book Of Mormon, to logging on to facebook and to receive comfort! I know that heavenly father knows what we need and that he sends random people to you at the right time. Threw Christ you can find rest :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

~changed for the better~

  • Conference was this weekend! It's amazing that just 8 hours of listening to the apostles and prophet speak, i could feel a change in myself. Or a desire to change! conference was amazing! There were sooo many things that stuck out to me! My favorite talk was given by Dieter F. Uchtdorf! It really touched my heart! He said something along these lines..."Heavenly father doesn't care if you walk in marbled halls or stabled stalls"! That really stuck out to me a lot! I'm so thankful that heavenly father knows my heart and he doesn't care where i come from! he also said we are not matter where you live, no matter how humble your circumstances, how meager your employment, how limited your abilities, how ordinary your appearance, or how little your calling in the church may appear to you, you are not invisible to your heavenly father and he loves you :) i just loved that so much! I'm sure all of us feel like at times we are unimportant and ordinary! WE ARE NOT! We have the true gospel and the ability to share it with others :) take advantage of it! I'm grateful to have been able to watch conference this weekend!  It inspired me to be better at certain things i have been struggling with. I'm excited to start fresh again. That is the beauty of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. We have the chance to start over again.I love waking up every morning and telling my self..."It's a new day, and i choose to be happy and make righteous choices" I am really hoping to develop a better relationship with my savior by reading the scriptures and listening to music that is uplifting! :) I cant wait till April's conference!