THE ONE AND ONLY...Kammie Maschue

Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Family

katie is my twin! she is just soooo great! funniest person i know! im so jealous of her obility to make people laugh! she doesnt care what anyone thinks about her! i admire her for that! She is my other half! :) she such a great person with a beautiful testimony!
maddie is the best! shes such an awesome example to me! i love her to death! i can honestly say she's my best friend! she's always here to listen to me! i just love he SOOOO MUCH :)
JESSICA!!! she and i get along very well! you can say we are a lot alike! i that case...shes AWESOME! lol jk jk but she really is! she is extreamly talented! plays the violine and softball! she is a spiritual rockstar and i love it :)
My mom is one of the best people i know! she has been threw EVERYTHING you could imagine. She is the definition of strong! she has taught me so much! If it wasn't for her i wouldn't be half the person i am today! I am so grateful for her and raising me in the gospel. because of her example i can say i have my own testimony :)

OHHH ABBI! i love this girl! she is one of the funniest people i know! she always livens up situations! i have seen such a huge change in her this year! she has always known the church was true but i can see it in the way she lives her life that she now has her own testimony! its great seeing her excited about the gospel! :)

this is my little brother Joshua! He's the best :) i just cant even get over the fact that he's actually acting semi normal in this photo! josh has the biggest heart and he's such a laddies man! i love him sooo much!

This is my little sister alex! she is the greatest girl i know! she's 16 and has a solid testimony! can you say spiritual giant!? i never thought that i could learn so much from someone so much younger than me! :) i love alex! she will do great things!
THIS...this is my lovely family! i cannot lie we are pretty awesome! notice in the picture that not one of us was ready for this picture! haha we asked my step dad mark to take a picture of all of us kids and mom! he took about twenty photos in a row without us knowing it! we were all so annoyed because the whole time we thought he just didnt know what he was doing! lol this right here is the real deal! THIS IS MY FAMILY :) and i couldnt ask for more!

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